The Programme

09:00 - 09:20 - Welcome

Jan van Zanen, Mayor of the City of The Hague

Philip Reitinger, President, Global Cyber Alliance

Stephane Duguin, Chief Executive Officer, CyberPeace Institute

9:20 - 10:00 - Peace and Justice Keynotes

Tawakkol Karman - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Human Rights Advocate


10:30 - 12:30- Session I: Securing the ‘Public Interest Organisations’ : Why it is Critical to Any Ideal of Peace and Justice

Goal: Illustrate the key role of ‘public interest organisations’ in our digital world, the threats they are facing and why we need to secure them to ensure peace and justice globally.

11:30 - 12:30 - Panel

Wolfgang Jamann, Chief Executive Officer, International Civil Society Centre

Barbara Hintermann, Director General, Terres des Hommes

Pim Kraan, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children Netherlands

Lance Pierce, Chief Executive Officer, NetHope

10:30 - 11:30 - Fireside Chat

Francesca Bosco, Chief Strategy & Partnerships Officer, CyberPeace Institute

Andrew McCracken, Global Director, WaterAid International and Chairman, CyberPeace Institute


14:00 - 16:00 - Session II: Securing the ‘Common Good Cyber’ as an Enabler for Peace and Justice

Goal: Deep dive in existing core capabilities to secure 'public interest organisations', contribute to the common good and how to scale and sustain it.

14:20 - 14:30 - Core Cybersecurity Infrastructure: Present the “Common Good Cyber”

Kayle Giroud, Director, Common Good Initiatives, Global Cyber Alliance

14:00 - 14:20 - Setting the Scene

Marina Kaljurand, Member of the European Parliament

14:30 - 15:20 - Panel

Liga Rozentale, Director Public Policy, Crowdstrike

Piotr Kijewski, Chief Executive Officer, Shadowserver Foundation

Corey Gray, President, Smart Cities Council

Michiel Leenaars, Director of Strategy, NLnet Fundation

15:30 - 16:00 - Fireside Chat

Louise Marie Hurel, Cyber Security Researcher, RUSI

Kathryn Jones, Head of Cyber Strategy & Engagement, UK FCDO


16:00 - 16:50 - Session III: Cybersecurity for the Common Good : Way Forward

Goal: Introduce sustainable and scalable solutions, including by leveraging AI, to support the operational delivery of cybersecurity to NGOs.


Francesca Bosco, Chief Strategy Officer, CyberPeace Institute

Alethea Hannemann, Chief Executive Officer,

Tal Goldstein, Head of Strategy, Center for Cybersecurity, World Economic Forum

Other speakers TBC




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